Christopher X J. Jensen
Professor, Pratt Institute

Institutional Service

Over the years, I have provided service to my institution at all levels. Below I outline most of the institutional service I have performed.

I have served on a search committee whose work led to the hiring of three new full-time faculty. I proposed and was chosen to participate in our new faculty mentoring program, where I provided a new faculty member with feedback on her teaching. I have been both chair and a member at large of both our department’s major committees, the Curriculum Review Committee and the Peer Review Committee. I coordinated a series of “Swap ‘N’ Share” events in the department that allowed faculty members to share innovations in teaching and research.

I have served on the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum Review Committee, where I was responsible for reviewing proposed curriculum. I also served on the General Education Committee, which was charged with formulating assessable outcomes for the general education of undergraduates.

I was a member of Sustainable Pratt, where I chaired a committee that explored the possibility of bringing a composting program to campus and contributed to the organization of the annual Green Week celebration. I was a member of the inaugural Technology Advisory Committee, where I helped improve and promote Pratt’s educational technology potential. I served as co-chair of the Middle States Coordinating Committee, which was charged with producing Pratt’s interim Periodic Review Report for our accreditation agency. I was a member of the Calendar Committee, and led the effort to poll students and faculty as chair of the calendar survey subcommittee. I also have served as advisor of Envirolutions, a student club.

Institutional service that I have performed in recent years:
Academic Year Major Service Minor Service
2024-2025 Coordinator, MSCI Mini-Share Series

Chair, Math & Science Department Peer Review Committee

Member, Math & Science Department Curriculum Review and Assessment Committee

Member, Center for Teaching & Learning Advisory Group

Member, Title IX Council

Member, Academic Integrity Standing Committee

2023-2024 Coordinator, MSCI Mini-Share Series Member, Math & Science Department Peer Review Committee

Member, Center for Teaching & Learning Advisory Group

Member, Title IX Council

Member, Academic Integrity Standing Committee

Member, MSCI Gallery Show selection committee

Chair, STEAMplant Selection Committee

2022-2023 Coordinator, MSCI Mini-Share Series (Sabbatical semester) Member, Middle State Self-Study Working Group

Member, Center for Teaching & Learning Advisory Group

Member, Title IX Council

Member, Academic Integrity Standing Committee

Member, MSCI Gallery Show Organizing Committee

Organizer, Pratt Earth Action Week

2021-2022 Coordinator, MSCI Mini-Share Series

(served as Acting Chair of my department)

Member, Center for Teaching & Learning Advisory Group

Member, Title IX Council

Member, Academic Integrity Standing Committee

Member, Visiting Scholar Working Group

2020-2021 Coordinator, MSCI Mini-Share Series [Spring 2021 only]

(served as Acting Chair of my department)

Member, Academic Integrity Standing Committee

Member, Course Form Working Group

Member, Bias Education Response Team

2019-2020 None

(served as Acting Chair of my department)

Member, Academic Integrity Standing Committee

Member, Bias Education Response Team

2018-2019 Co-facilitator, Transfer of Learning Faculty Learning Community

Chair, Math & Science Department Curriculum Review & Assessment Committee [Spring 2019 only]

Academic Senator representing the Math & Science Department

Member, Math & Science Department Curriculum Committee

Member, Academic Integrity Standing Committee

Member, Bias Education Response Team

2017-2018 Co-facilitator, Transfer of Learning Faculty Learning Community Academic Senator representing the Math & Science Department

Member, Math & Science Department Curriculum Committee

Member, Bias Education Response Team

2016-2017 Co-facilitator, Transfer of Learning Faculty Learning Community Academic Senator representing the Math & Science Department

Member, Math & Science Department Curriculum Committee

Member, Bias Education Response Team

2015-2016 None

(Sabbatical semester)

Member, Academic Calendar Committee
2014-2015 Chair, Math & Science Department Peer Review Committee

Advisor, Envirolutions student club

Member, Math & Science Department Curriculum Committee

Member, Academic Calendar Committee

2013-2014 Advisor, Envirolutions student club Member, Math & Science Department Curriculum Committee

Member, Math & Science Department Peer Review Committee

Member, Academic Calendar Committee

2012-2013 Service Record Coming Soon… Service Record Coming Soon…
2011-2012 Service Record Coming Soon… Service Record Coming Soon…
2010-2011 Service Record Coming Soon… Service Record Coming Soon…
2009-2010 Service Record Coming Soon… Service Record Coming Soon…
2008-2009 Service Record Coming Soon… Service Record Coming Soon…
2007-2008 Service Record Coming Soon… Service Record Coming Soon…