Christopher X J. Jensen
Professor, Pratt Institute


Below are a series of links to pages that I find useful in my research. I include sections on scientists’ blogs, scientists’ homepages, popular science periodicals, scientific journals, teaching toolsresearch centerslistservs, and science outreach resources. This is a work in progress and by no means should be considered a comprehensive resource. As I encounter new resources (or just remember to put my most commonly-used ones on here) I add them. Feel free to suggest a link using my contact page.

Personal blogs that focus on scientific issues:

Blogger’s Name Blog Name Blog Overview
Ben Allen Plektix
Larry Arnhart Darwinian Conservatism
Michael D. Barton The Dispersal of Darwin
Marc Bekoff Marc Bekoff for the Huffington Post
B. Ricardo Brown Until Darwin: Science & the Origins of Race
Gerry Carter Social Bat: the web journal of the vampire bat food sharing project
Jason Collins Evolving Economics
Jerry Coyne Why Evolution is True
Jeremy Fox Dynamic Ecology
John Hawks john hawks weblog
Norman Johnson Watching the Detectives
Massimo Pigliucci Rationally Speaking
Artem Kaznatcheev Theory, Evolution, and Games Group
Gert Korthof Towards the Third Evolutionary Synthesis
Anthony C. Lopez Evolutionary Politics
Allan MacNeill The Evolution List
Mario Pineda-Krch Mario’s Entangled Bank
Razib Khan Gene Expression
Andrew C. Revkin Dot Earth
Leonid Schneider For Better Science Leonid Schneider is a science journalist whose work focuses on how the scientific process and profession can be improved through greater transparency and other reforms. As a cartoonist he has special powers to get his point across. On Twitter he is known for prompting me to make a fool of myself.
jeff smith jeff smith
Alex Wild Myrmecos
David Sloan Wilson Evolution for Everyone
Jeremy Yoder Denim and Tweed
Carl Zimmer The Loom
Matt Zimmerman Biased Transmission

Forums and aggregator sites that focus on scientific issues:

Forum Name Forum Overview
Evolution: This View of Life
Social Evolution Forum

Homepages for scientists whose work interests me:

Scientist’s Name Overview of this Scientist’s Work
Erol Akçay Google-Scholar-logo
Marco Archetti
C. Athena Atktipis
Paul M. Bingham
Brenda J. Bradley
James J. Bull
Gerald Gunnawa Carter
Andrew M. Colman
Robert K. Colwell
Frans de Waal
Michael Doebeli
Ana Duarte
Claire El Mouden
Ernst Fehr
Santo Fortunato
Kevin Foster
John Fryxell
Julián García
Alan Grafen
Carlos Grilo
Volker Grimm
William Harcombe Google-Scholar-logoResearch-Gate-logo
Christoph Hauert
Joseph Henrich
Douglas Hofstadter
Adrian V. Jaeggi
Emily I. Jones
Ben Kerr
Michelle A. Kline Google-Scholar-logoResearch-Gate-logo Michelle Kline studies “behavior, psychology, and development from the perspective of evolutionary theory”. Her work considers the nature of cumulative culture evolution, how social teaching evolves, and the roles that social networks and multilevel selection pressures play in cultural transmission and evolution.
James Lake
Sergios-Orestis Kolokotronis
Shakti Lamba
Tom Lenaerts
Naoki Masuda
Manfred Milinski
Dusan Misevic
Martin Nowak
Nichola Raihani
Steven Railsback
Eloy Revilla Google-Scholar-logo
Joel L. Sachs
Mary H. Schweitzer
Attila Szolnoki
Corina Tarnita
Arne Traulsen
Mark Van Vugt
Michiel Vos
Matthijs van Veelen
Stuart A. West
David Sloan Wilson
Atsushi Yamauchi
Douglas W. Yu

Popular science periodicals:

Periodical Name Periodical Overview
National Geographic
Scientific American

Scientific Journals:

Journal Name Journal Overview
Current Biology
Ecological Modelling
Ecology and Evolution
Ecology and Society
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
The Quarterly Review of Biology

Teaching Tools:

Name of Site/Teaching Tool Overview of Site/Teaching Tool
BEAGLE: Simulated Evolution
Evolution & Games
HexSim agent/individual-based modeling environment
Howard Rheingold’s “Introduction to Cooperation Theory” online course
NetLogo agent/individual-based modeling environment
SimBio SimBio is a huge player in the virtual labs business, a for-profit enterprise that produces a lot of very well-realized and sophisticated teaching tools. I have used their How the Guppy Got its Spots and Flowers and Trees labs in my Evolution course, and I recommend them both.
StarLogo TNG agent/individual-based modeling environment
Visual Understanding Environment (VUE) I use VUE in almost all of my classes. It is a great way to compel students to organize their ideas and to consider the inter-connections that exist between different ideas. What’s great about VUE is that it is free, easy to use, and designed specifically for making concept maps. I don’t just use VUE in my teaching: I also use it to organize my own research and writing, and to plan various projects (I used it to plan this rather complex site!).

Academic Departments and Think Tanks:

Name of Center: Center Overview:
Courant Research Centre Evolution of Social Behaviour
The Evolution Institute
The Evolutionary Studies Consortium
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
National Center for Science Education (NCSE)
The National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent)
Pratt Institute Critical and Visual Studies Program
Swarm Development Group wiki

Listservs related to Ecology & Evolution:

Name of Listserv: Listserv Overview:
Ecological Society of America: grants, jobs, news
Evolution Directory

Resources for Science Outreach:

Name of Resource: Resource Overview:
The Science Network Workshop Series This series, a project of the Union of Concerned Scientists, provides a variety of different “workshops” to scientists interested in interfacing with the public and the public media. Most of the workshops are YouTube videos of past webinars; the site also contains a calendar of upcoming webinars, which are offered free to interested scientists.