Christopher X J. Jensen
Associate Professor, Pratt Institute

Up-Goer Five text editor challenges you to make accessible explanations

Posted 31 Jan 2013 / 0

Scientific American blogs “Science in Ten-Hundred Words: The “Up-Goer 5″ Challenge” THE UP-GOER FIVE TEXT EDITOR Oh, and by the way the title of this post would not pass the up-goer five test! Thanks to one of my Pratt students, Tony Wylen, for showing me this site.

A Minor Post, Pratt Institute, Public Outreach, Teaching, Web

Mishele Lesser’s Genoscapes explores the meaning of human genetics

Posted 15 Dec 2012 / 0

Mishele Lesser, a student who I mentored, just presented her final thesis project Genoscapes. Mishele and I spent a lively semester talking about the meaning of human genetics, a discussion that ranged from very mechanical questions about how genetics work to more philosophical questions about how to interpret genetic data and the potential identity it can Read More

A Major Post, Gene-Culture Coevolution, Genetics, Human Evolution, Human Nature, Human Uniqueness, Mentoring, Pratt Institute, Science in Art & Design

Pratt Institute opens search for new full-time faculty member in the Math and Science Department

Posted 07 Dec 2012 / 0

My academic department is looking to hire a new full-time, tenure-track assistant professor. The job search is extremely broad: we are looking for the scientist or mathematician with the best fit to Pratt and to our department. I am not on the hiring committee and cannot field any questions about the official selection process. However, Read More

A Minor Post, Art & Design, Department of Mathematics & Science, Pratt Institute, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Pratt Envirolutions Students Bring Recycling Bins to Campus

Posted 07 Nov 2012 / 0

Culminating over three semesters of work, Pratt’s Envirolutions student club chose Election Day to celebrate the launch of eleven new recycling bins on the Brooklyn campus grounds. President Schutte joined students to cut the ribbons on the new bins, which were purchased by the 2011-2012 Student Government Association (SGA). A good-sized crowd of students, faculty, Read More

A Major Post, Center for Sustainable Design Studies, Envirolutions, Greenwashing, Pratt Institute, Resource Consumption, Sustainability

Concept mapping as a creative tool

Posted 02 Nov 2012 / 2

If your brain is anything like mine, thoughts pretty much constantly race across it. As I consume media — especially media designed to inform — these thoughts intensify. As I read or listen or watch, my brain makes rapid connections between the new ideas I can recognize in the media I am consuming and the old Read More

A Major Post, Art & Design, Concept Mapping, Lesson Ideas, MSCI-160, Great Adventures in Evolution, Neuroscience, Pratt Institute

Envirolutions students release Trash Tetris video to promote recycling bin launch

Posted 01 Nov 2012 / 0

The students in the Pratt Envirolutions club have worked tirelessly to get a set of recycling bins placed on campus. Please join these students and President Schutte for a ribbon-cutting ceremony on November 6, 2012 in front of the Engineering Building lawn @ 4 PM. Free food provided by CulinArt!

A Minor Post, Closed Loop Systems, Envirolutions, Pratt Institute, Resource Consumption, Sustainability

PBS short profiles Pratt Institute

Posted 20 Jun 2012 / 0

Channel Thirteen “Treasures of New York: Pratt Institute” Obviously this a big promotional piece for Pratt, but it did make me appreciate the historical context of Pratt (some of which I was unaware). Seeing the school’s accessible and prosocial origins, I hope that we can move the school back into the same kind of public Read More

A Minor Post, Film, Television, & Video, Pratt Institute

I get downright evangelical about WordPress

Posted 14 Jun 2012 / 0

Today I took my dedication to WordPress to another level. As I have indicated elsewhere, I am incredibly thankful for the work that the WordPress Foundation [1, 2] does to produce a for-the-people self-publishing platform. It is wonderful that the best tool for putting your ideas on the web is also the most democratic, pro-social, and altruistic in nature. I will Read More

Pratt Institute, Public Outreach

Evolutionary Games Infographic Project launches with its first release of graphic packages

Posted 04 Jun 2012 / 0

In the Fall of 2011 I began a new project with Greg Riestenberg, a graduate student in Pratt’s Communications Design program. Given the ubiquity — especially in recent times — of evolutionary game theory, you would think that someone would have produced a set of clear conceptual images depicting how the most important of these games work; Read More

Department of Mathematics & Science, Evolutionary Games Infographics, Game Theory, Information Design, Pratt Institute, Teaching, Teaching Tools

Molly H. Adams earns top honors from the Critical and Visual Studies program

Posted 11 May 2012 / 0

Me with Molly and B. Ricardo Brown (coordinator of the Critical and Visual Studies program) at Pratt’s Honors Convocation I am proud to report that a student who I have both taught and mentored, Molly H. Adams, has won top honors for both her exceptional academic work and the production of an exemplary thesis. Along Read More

Anthropogenic Change, Biomes, Conservation Biology, Critical and Visual Studies program, Ecosystem Services, Environmental Justice, Ethics, Mentoring, Pratt Institute