Christopher X J. Jensen
Associate Professor, Pratt Institute

Envirolutions brings bottle transformation to Green Week 2015

Posted 03 Apr 2015 / 0

I have been lucky to serve as faculty advisor to the Envirolutions student club at Pratt for the past six years. There have been a lot of great projects done by the club over these years, and some of the best have been centered on Pratt’s Green Week, an annual on-campus celebration of sustainability. This Read More

A Major Post, Envirolutions, Life Cycle Analysis, Resource Consumption, Sustainability, Sustainable Pratt

I am taking my semester of rest… come Fall 2015

Posted 28 Dec 2014 / 0

I am excited to announce that after eight full years of service to Pratt Institute, I have been awarded a sabbatical for the Fall of 2015. It is amazing that I have been teaching at Pratt for this long, but this “semester of rest” also feels long overdue. My plan is to use this semester Read More

A Major Post, Higher Education, Pratt Institute

Today I am Associate Professor

Posted 25 Aug 2014 / 0

Although my tenure and promotion was secured back in May, today is the day that I am officially a tenured Associate Professor. As today is also the first day of classes (although I do not teach until Wednesday), it is a little bit hard to stop, breathe, and appreciate this milestone. When one of my Read More

A Major Post, Higher Education, Pratt Institute

A modest presentation on Open Information Environments

Posted 13 Aug 2014 / 0

Today I gave a brief presentation entitled “Information: Legalize It?” to some colleagues at Pratt Institute. As part of the day’s educational technology “gathering” taking place in the Faculty Technology Studios, I spoke about how I have instituted what I call the “Open Information Environment” in all of my courses. Check out my longer post Read More

A Major Post, Educational Technology, Higher Education, Information Literacy, Pratt Institute

Envirolutions graduates its largest (and most celebrated) cohort

Posted 16 May 2014 / 0

Ashely Kuo, Tonya Kennedy, Laura Lighty, Kate Cochrane, and me at the Awards Convocation Picnic Graduation is always a bittersweet moment, as students who I have really enjoyed working with leave the campus for good. On the one hand I am very proud of my students, and happy for them that they get to finish Read More

A Major Post, Envirolutions, Pratt Institute

It appears that Pratt is going to keep me

Posted 05 May 2014 / 2

Over the next nine days I have nineteen more term papers to grade, two final exams to write/administer/grade for thirty-six students, and twenty final projects to assess. The semester’s almost over, and that end is bringing with it all the usual immediate pain and anticipated joy. In the midst of this chaos it is a little Read More

A Major Post, Higher Education, Pratt Institute

New glacial maximum on Mount ARC provides definitive evidence that Pratt’s sustainability efforts are working

Posted 01 Apr 2014 / 1

Pratt Institute’s Mount ARC, part of the central Brooklyn range, has been a hotbed of climatological research. A unique geological feature within the mostly-flat borough of Brooklyn, Mount ARC rises above Pratt Institute’s majestic campus, looming over this community of creative makers like a stern warning from good old Mother Nature herself. Mount ARC’s two Read More

A Major Post, Climate Change, Greenwashing, Pratt Institute, Sustainability, Sustainable Energy, Sustainable Pratt

Pledge, Petition, Protect! All at Green Week 2014!

Posted 24 Mar 2014 / 0

Every year, Pratt’s Sustainability Coalition hosts Green Week, a celebration of Pratt’s efforts to build a more sustainable society within and beyond our campus walls. This year’s Green Week will feature a variety of events, including two events that I will be involved with. The first event has become an annual tradition: New York City’s Department Read More

A Minor Post, Activism, Center for Sustainable Design Studies, Envirolutions, Resource Consumption, Sustainability, Sustainable Pratt, Sustainable Transportation

I receive funding to initiate the WmD Project

Posted 06 Mar 2014 / 2

It seemed like a proposal with a dim chance of being funded, but on a bizarre whim of inspiration I decided to apply for a small bit of money so I could initiate a new creative venture that I am calling the WmD Project. It turns out that Pratt’s Faculty Development Fund has a bit Read More

A Major Post, Ecology, Ecology Education, Evolution, Evolution Education, Pratt Institute, Science in Art & Design, The WmD Project

TurnUp seeks to turn excess art materials into treasure, not trash

Posted 04 Feb 2014 / 0

TurnUp is an entrepreneurial material repurposing project supported by Pratt’s Design Incubator. If it works, it should save a lot of students some money, decrease the impact of consumption, and save a lot of materials from going to the landfill.

A Minor Post, Center for Sustainable Design Studies, Closed Loop Systems, Economic sustainability, Economics, Pratt Institute, Resource Consumption, Sustainability