Allen MacNeill predicts resolution of Ev-Coop debates
Posted 16 Mar 2013 / 0The Cornell Daily Sun “Darwin Days Lecture: “Can Cooperation Evolve by Natural Selection?”“
A Minor Post, Cooperation, Cultural Evolution, Group Selection, Kin SelectionThe Cornell Daily Sun “Darwin Days Lecture: “Can Cooperation Evolve by Natural Selection?”“
A Minor Post, Cooperation, Cultural Evolution, Group Selection, Kin SelectionCollege of the Holy Cross “Harvard Scientist to Lecture at Holy Cross on God and Evolution” It is amazing to hear someone like Nowak say “God uses evolution to unfold the living world around us”. This is radical stuff for a theorist to say, as we generally try to understand properties and dynamics of systems Read More
A Minor Post, Cooperation, Evolution, ReligionarXiv “Self-Organization Promotes the Evolution of Cooperation with Cultural Propagation“
A Minor Post, Cooperation, Cultural Evolution, Evolutionary Modeling, Game Theory, Kin Selection, ReciprocityDo everyday people have any sense of their place in the world? Human beings live in incredibly complex societies undergirded by convoluted economies and overwhelmingly diverse cultures. Do we have a sense of how these societies came to be, or how they function and persist? For evolutionists, these are pretty vexing scientific questions: most researchers Read More
A Major Post, Behavior, Cooperation, Economic sustainability, Ethics, Gene-Culture Coevolution, Group Selection, Human Evolution, Political Science, Public Policy, Radio & Podcasts, Social DiversityWorld Wildlife Fund Earth Hour Will an hour of darkness give us the time to contemplate both the importance of ecosystem services and how our voracious energy consumption threatens those services? It is certainly worth a try.
A Minor Post, Activism, Anthropogenic Change, Climate Change, Cooperation, Environmental Justice, Public Policy, Sustainable EnergyThe Sierra Club / / Hip Hop Caucus — Forward on Climate Rally
A Minor Post, Anthropogenic Change, Climate Change, Cooperation, Environmental Justice, Ethics, Political ScienceWNYC “NYC’s Top Dogs: Mapping Names & Breeds in the City” WNYC “Dogs of NYC” Data sets like these, even flawed by their incompleteness (only 20% of dogs in New York City are registered) are fascinating. The human relationship with dogs has changed radically as we have urbanized as a species: I would suggest that the dominance Read More
A Minor Post, Canids, Coevolution, Gene-Culture Coevolution, Geography, Human Evolution, Human Uniqueness, Mutualism, Public Policy, Radio & Podcasts, WebThe New York Times “Understanding How Children Develop Empathy“
A Minor Post, Altruism, Articles, EmpathyIn a recent short opinion piece (Scientific American “Creation, Evolution and Indisputable Facts“), Jacob Tanenbaum argues that selectively rejecting evolutionary biology is dangerous to the scientific culture of America. He rightly points out that our populace does not reject science as a whole, but instead picks and chooses what science to doubt and what science Read More
A Major Post, Adaptation, Altruism, Articles, Belief, Cooperation, Evolution, Gene-Culture Coevolution, Human Evolution, Human Uniqueness, Religion, System StabilityiTunes “Evolution: Making Sense of Life” I don’t own an iPad so I won’t be playing with this anytime soon, but I am very curious about the impact of this first-of-its-kind majors Evolution textbook for tablet. I am not sure if this is the new big thing or the last dying try of the old-model Read More
A Minor Post, Educational Software and Apps, Evolution, Evolution Education, Teaching Tools