Christopher X J. Jensen
Associate Professor, Pratt Institute

ESA 2012 Overall Impressions

Posted 12 Aug 2012 / 0

What was the ‘big news’ at this year’s Ecological Society of America meeting? Given that this meeting is composed of so many different meetings running concurrently, this just might be an impossible question to answer fairly. But for me, this year’s meeting could be summarized as the ‘year of computational ecology’. At a great variety Read More

A Major Post, Altruism, Biodiversity Loss, Conservation Biology, Cooperation, Ecological Modeling, Ecological Society of America, Ecology Education, Ecosystem Services, Environmental Justice, Group Selection, Marine Ecosystems, Multilevel Selection, Public Policy, Punishment, Resource Consumption, Social Capital, Sustainability, System Stability, Talks & Seminars, Teaching, Teaching Tools, The Sustainable Use of Fisheries

Preview of the 2012 Ecological Society of America annual meeting in Portland, Oregon

Posted 02 Aug 2012 / 0

I am off to another Ecological Society of America (ESA) meeting, my sixth and the society’s ninety-seventh. As I already covered in a previous post, I will be presenting a poster entitled “The Evolution of Sustainable Use, a flash-based classroom tool for teaching population biology and sustainable resource management” during the Tuesday afternoon poster session. Read More

A Major Post, Anthropogenic Change, Behavior, Conferences, Cooperation, Ecological Modeling, Ecological Society of America, Ecology, Ecosystem Services, Interactions, Sustainability, Talks & Seminars, Teaching

Preview of my ESA 2012 poster promoting the Evolution of Sustainable Use activity

Posted 31 Jul 2012 / 0

This year I am proud to be returning to the Ecological Society of America annual meeting in Portland, Oregon. I missed last year’s meeting and I am excited to be overwhelmed by all the amazing scholarship that is on display at these meetings. I generally present talks at meetings, but this year I decided to do Read More

A Major Post, Biodiversity Loss, Carrying Capacity, Conferences, Cooperation, Cultural Evolution, Ecological Modeling, Ecological Society of America, Ecology, Ecology Education, Economic sustainability, Economics, Ecosystem Services, Environmental Justice, Ethics, Food, Group Selection, Marine Ecosystems, Population Growth, Population Pressure, Predation, Public Policy, Resource Consumption, Sustainability, System Stability, Teaching Tools, The Sustainable Use of Fisheries

Experimental study of cooperation and population structure calls into question the importance of heterogeneity

Posted 17 Jul 2012 / 0

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences “Heterogeneous networks do not promote cooperation when humans play a Prisoner’s Dilemma“

A Minor Post, Cooperation, Game Theory, Social Networks

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics hosts conference on the role of cooperation in major evolutionary transitions

Posted 17 Jul 2012 / 0

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics “Cooperation and Major Evolutionary Transitions” There’s also a seminar series going on this winter: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics “Cooperation and the Evolution of Multicellularity” It is fascinating how many physicists are tackling theoretical questions related to cooperation these days!

A Minor Post, Cooperation, Macroevolution

Additional theoretical study insists that population structure does promote cooperation

Posted 17 Jul 2012 / 0

PLoS One “Complex Transition to Cooperative Behavior in a Structured Population Model“

A Minor Post, Cooperation, Evolution

Matthew Zimmerman on how international relations views the evolution of groups

Posted 07 Jul 2012 / 0

Social Evolution Forum “Matthew Zimmerman: Groups as the Most Natural and Useful Level of Analysis (a comment on Pinker)” I am not sure which frustrates me more: The contention that genes are the only “target” of selection; or The contention that selection on organisms is the only level at which selection occurs; or The contention Read More

A Minor Post, Altruism, Cooperation, Group Selection, Human Evolution, Multilevel Selection, Political Science, Sociology

If your loners are truly loners they won’t punish, and cooperation thrives even in the presence of antisocial punishment

Posted 28 Jun 2012 / 1

Last summer I discussed a paper by Rand and Nowak that explored the dynamics of antisocial punishment in groups composed of cooperators, defectors, and loners playing a public goods game. In a conventional public goods game, at least some players must make a contribution in order to reap group reward. Cooperators make that contribution and Read More

A Major Post, Altruism, Articles, Cooperation, Evolutionary Modeling, Game Theory, Punishment

Larry Arnhart on Singer, Bowles, and Gintis and Darwinian libertarianism

Posted 28 Jun 2012 / 0

Darwinian Conservatism “Does Strong Reciprocity Support a Darwinian Left?” This is a really interesting comparison of the “utopian” and “realist” versions of leftist politics, and of the struggle of thinkers like Singer. What I think needs to be kept in mind is that all these folks are doing more than just trying to produce science Read More

A Minor Post, Cooperation, Evolutionary Modeling, Punishment, Reciprocity, Social Norms

A victory for collective action and national cooperation

Posted 28 Jun 2012 / 0


A Minor Post, Cooperation, Law, Political Science