Christopher X J. Jensen
Associate Professor, Pratt Institute

Great NPR piece on how simple it would be for us to reduce carbon emissions

Posted 28 Jun 2013 / 0

NPR Planet Money “Economists Have A One-Page Solution To Climate Change” I love this piece because it effectively captures the importance of an across-the-board carbon solution. The carbon tax would be relatively easy to enforce, could be used to wean ourselves from carbon-based fuels in a calculated and deliberate manner, and would hurt only those Read More

A Minor Post, Climate Change, Economics, Political Science, Public Policy, Radio & Podcasts, Resource Consumption, Sustainability, Sustainable Energy

Useful guides for writing good pseudocode

Posted 18 Jun 2013 / 0

I am slogging away at writing up a long-overdue individual-based modeling project that I presented eons ago at ESA 2009 and ESA 2010, and I am trying my best to present the model in complete form. This project is the result of a lot of work by me and my collaborators Jennifer Verdolin and Dylan Read More

A Minor Post, Computing, Conferences, Ecological Society of America

The benefits of a maintaining a relatively small in-group

Posted 29 May 2013 / 1

WNYC Micropolis “Hasidic Supermarkets and the Virtues of Insularity” Although I think that this is an interesting little feature, it mistakenly attributes the benefits of this trust to a lack of diversity. What allows this trust is a relatively small, highly-integrated society. If the larger city lacks anything, it is the level of social integration Read More

A Minor Post, Cooperation, Cultural Anthropology, Economics, Ethics, Radio & Podcasts, Reputation, Social Networks, Sociology

Pratt Professor Ágnes Mócsy releases “Smashing Matters” short film

Posted 21 May 2013 / 0

A colleague of mine, Associate Professor Ágnes Mócsy, just released her first short film, smashing matters: Featuring a really broad array of eminent physics researchers, this film uses the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider as a case study for how funding basic science research leads to social progress. Although I am not predisposed to believing that all basic Read More

A Minor Post, Film, Television, & Video, Grants & Funding, Public Policy, Science in Art & Design

NPR piece suggests that economics are pushing us towards nutrient recycling

Posted 10 Apr 2013 / 0

NPR All Things Considered “Cities Turn Sewage Into ‘Black Gold’ For Local Farms” This is a really interesting piece because it suggests that the costs associated with properly disposing of human waste are beginning to incentivize municipalities to repurpose this waste as fertilizer. As this feature indicates, landfilling and (even worse) incineration have been in Read More

A Minor Post, Closed Loop Systems, Economic sustainability, Pollution, Radio & Podcasts, Sustainability, Sustainable Agriculture

A spatial version of the Traveler’s Dilemma allows cooperation to persist

Posted 23 Mar 2013 / 0

PLos ONE “Evolution of Cooperation in Spatial Traveler’s Dilemma Game“

A Minor Post, Cooperation, Game Theory, Reciprocity, Spatially Explicit Modeling

Just in case you missed it the first ten times: E.O. Wilson likes group selection, Jerry Coyne does not

Posted 16 Mar 2013 / 1

Why Evolution is True “E. O. Wilson mistakenly touts group selection (again) as a key factor in human evolution“

A Minor Post, Cooperation, Evolution, Group Selection, Kin Selection, Reciprocity

Allen MacNeill predicts resolution of Ev-Coop debates

Posted 16 Mar 2013 / 0

The Cornell Daily Sun “Darwin Days Lecture: “Can Cooperation Evolve by Natural Selection?”“

A Minor Post, Cooperation, Cultural Evolution, Group Selection, Kin Selection

Martin Nowak to lecture on the compatibility of god and the evolutionary process

Posted 16 Mar 2013 / 0

College of the Holy Cross “Harvard Scientist to Lecture at Holy Cross on God and Evolution” It is amazing to hear someone like Nowak say “God uses evolution to unfold the living world around us”. This is radical stuff for a theorist to say, as we generally try to understand properties and dynamics of systems Read More

A Minor Post, Cooperation, Evolution, Religion

Understanding kin selection and reciprocity when strategies are culturally propagated

Posted 16 Mar 2013 / 0

arXiv “Self-Organization Promotes the Evolution of Cooperation with Cultural Propagation“

A Minor Post, Cooperation, Cultural Evolution, Evolutionary Modeling, Game Theory, Kin Selection, Reciprocity