Christopher X J. Jensen
Associate Professor, Pratt Institute

My Evolution 2014 talk is on YouTube

Posted 17 Jul 2014 / 0

One nice thing that organizers of the Evolution 2014 conference did was to offer the opportunity for presenters to have their talk recorded and archived. These recorded talks now have their own Evolution 2014 YouTube Channel, and my talk is included in this collection: This was an experiment for this conference, and I think that it came Read More

A Major Post, Conferences, Cooperation, Easy Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma, Evolution Education, Evolutionary Games Infographics, Game Theory, Information Design, My publications, Science in Art & Design, Society for the Study of Evolution, Talks & Seminars, Teaching Tools

Evolution 2014: Overall Impressions

Posted 02 Jul 2014 / 0

Great organization of a great conference I had a great Evolution 2014 conference, and that has a lot to do with how it was organized. Raleigh was a nice location for the conference: it has an intimate conference center, with enough food opportunities near that conference center. Although the transportation options getting to Raleigh are somewhat Read More

A Major Post, Conferences, Evolution Education, Professional Societies, Public Outreach, Science as a career, Society for the Study of Evolution

Evolution 2014: Day 4

Posted 24 Jun 2014 / 0

Tuesday was a busy day for me, with a pair of Education sessions in the morning, including the one containing my own talk. Thus far I have been really impressed with the education-related sessions available at Evolution 2014. Almost all of the sessions that I have attended have included really valuable, ready-to-use ideas and tools. Today’s talks Read More

A Major Post, Conferences, Society for the Study of Evolution

Evolution 2014: Day 3

Posted 23 Jun 2014 / 0

After a couple of pretty busy days at the Evolution 2014 meeting, I figured that I would go selective on the talks, take a little field trip away from the meeting, and make sure that I was ready for my own talk the following day. For the morning I only attended one talk: John Wiens‘ “A twisted Read More

A Major Post, Conferences, Society for the Study of Evolution

Evolution 2014: Day 2

Posted 22 Jun 2014 / 0

About five years ago I developed my Evolution course, which is aimed at my non-majors art and design students. I have not taught this course in more than two years, and as it has sat on the shelf I have been able to get that critical distance necessary to make the course better. So coming Read More

A Major Post, Assessment Methods, Competition, Conferences, Cooperation, Cooperative Breeding, EvoDevo, Evolution Education, Higher Education, Mutualism, Niche Partitioning, Parasitism, Society for the Study of Evolution

Evolution 2014: Day 1

Posted 21 Jun 2014 / 0

My first session of the day was spent entirely in a Symbiosis session. I am fascinated by symbiosis, particularly mutualistic symbiosis, so I am always looking for cool new stories to help illustrate the concept for my students. This session featured a lot of talks on microbial symbionts, which are also of interest to me. The Read More

A Major Post, Coevolution, Conferences, Film & Video, Host-Pathogen Evolution, Mating systems, Microbial Ecology, Mutualism, Parasitism, Phylogenetics, Predation, Science in Art & Design, Sexual Selection, Society for the Study of Evolution

Evolution 2014: Day 0

Posted 20 Jun 2014 / 0

I started off this year’s Evolution meeting early. The conference is — at its core —  a four-day affair. But the days leading into the “official” start on Friday evening feature larger workshops aimed at building skills. I chose to attend the Experiencing Evolution workshop. Here’s what this session promised: Evolution is a key biological concept, Read More

A Major Post, Adaptation, Assessment Methods, Behavior, Coevolution, Competition, Conferences, Cooperation, Evolution, Evolution Education, Evolutionary Modeling, Genetics, Grants & Funding, Higher Education, Individual-based Models, Lesson Ideas, Multilevel Selection, Natural Selection, Phylogenetics, Population Genetics, Population Growth, Predation, Reproductive Fitness, Science in Art & Design, Sex and Reproduction, Society for the Study of Evolution, Talks & Seminars, Teaching, Teaching Tools

Evolution 2014: Preview

Posted 19 Jun 2014 / 2

After landing at Raleigh-Durham airport today I am ready for Evolution 2014! It has been four years since I last attended the annual meeting that brings together members of the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB), and the American Society of Naturalists (ASN). I do not always get the chance to attend this conference, so Read More

A Major Post, Conferences, Evolution, Society for the Study of Evolution

Open Information Environments and the 21st Century College Classroom

Posted 10 Jun 2014 / 2

When I was in graduate school working towards my doctorate, we were required to take “comprehensive exams” to stay in the program and qualify for candidacy. This made a lot of sense: I was lucky to be in a program whose required courses created a very strong background in my disciplines, and the comprehensive exams Read More

A Major Post, Assessment Methods, Conceptual Teaching Assessment Project, Higher Education, Teaching

Moodle Tip: Using anchor links to create your own course page menu

Posted 02 Jun 2014 / 17

I love Moodle. It is an amazing tool for delivering course content, assessments, and feedback to students. But if you are a power Moodle user, you know that it can take some instructor massaging to make it as user-friendly as your students prefer. One of the things about Moodle that frustrates and confuses students is the way that different “sections” (usually Read More

A Major Post, Moodle, Teaching Tools