Christopher X J. Jensen
Professor, Pratt Institute


Here, you can browse an electronic version of my C.V., which includes sections on my:


Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolution, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, 2001-2007. Advisor: Dr. Lev R. Ginzburg. Dissertation: “Predation and its Consequences: Insights into the Modeling of Interference”.
B.A. in Biology (cum laude), Pomona College, Claremont, CA, 1989-1992. Advisor: Dr. David W. Becker.

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Professional Experience:
Full Professor (with tenure), Department of Mathematics & SciencePratt Institute, 2024-present.
Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Mathematics & SciencePratt Institute, 2014-2019, 2022-2024.
Acting Chair, Department of Mathematics & Science, Pratt Institute, 2019-2022.
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics & SciencePratt Institute, 2007-2014.
Adjunct Instructor and Course Coordinator, Stony Brook University, 2002, 2006-2008.
Science Teacher, Board of Education of New York City, Intermediate School 318, 1994-2001.
Science Teacher, Teach for America program, Board of Education of New York City, Middle School 45, 1993-1994.

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Courses Offered
World of Plants, Pratt Institute, 2023-present: An undergraduate course that uses an exploration of plant diversity to illuminate key concepts in ecology, evolution, and sustainability. Students use an exploration of the plant diversity of NYC to understand human-plant relationships.
The Evolution of Sex, Pratt Institute, 2010-2013, 2023-present: An advanced undergraduate course for students in creative majors, exploring the diversity of evolved mating, reproductive, and parenting strategies.
Ecology, Environment, & the Anthropocene, Pratt Institute, 2017-2019, 2024-present: A writing-intensive undergraduate course in ecology for students in creative majors, emphasizing practical ecological problems and sustainable solutions.
Evolution, Pratt Institute, 2009-2011, 2014-2019: A writing-intensive undergraduate course in evolution for students in creative majors, exploring the foundational principles of evolutionary biology.
Breeders, Propagators, & Creators, Pratt Institute, 2018: An undergraduate course that explores how human biological and cultural evolution intersect to produce the human species of today.
Ecology, Pratt Institute, 2007-2014, 2016: An undergraduate course in ecology for students in creative majors, emphasizing practical ecological problems and sustainable solutions.
Ecology for Architects, Pratt Institute, 2014-2016: An undergraduate course in ecology and environmental science for architecture majors, emphasizing the role of the built environment in ecological and sociological systems.
The Evolution of Cooperation, Pratt Institute, 2008, 2010, 2012-2014: An advanced undergraduate course for students in creative majors, exploring the mechanisms by which cooperation evolves in nature.
Behavioral Ecology, Pratt Institute, 2009, 2011: An advanced undergraduate course for students in creative majors, exploring behavioral diversity as a result of adaptation to varying environments.
Human Evolution, Pratt Institute, 2007-2009, 2011: An advanced undergraduate course for students in creative majors that illuminates the origin and evolution of the human species.
The Evolution of Play, Pratt Institute, 2010-2013: An undergraduate short course for students in creative majors that considers play in a variety of animals from an evolutionary perspective.
Great Adventures in Evolution, Pratt Institute, 2012-2013: An undergraduate short course for students in creative majors that uses historical accounts of scientific discoveries to foster an appreciation of evolutionary biology.
The Evolution of Music, Pratt Institute, 2010: An undergraduate short course for students in creative majors that considered the production of sound and music by animals from an evolutionary perspective.
Applied Population Ecology and Conservation Biology Laboratory, Stony Brook University, 2006-2008: An upper-division majors course for undergraduate students featuring a simulation-based student-inquiry-driven lab curriculum.
General Ecology, Stony Brook University, 2002: An undergraduate course in Ecology for non-majors, co-taught with two full-time faculty from the Department of Ecology & Evolution.
Life Science, New York City Board of Education, 1993-1994, 1999–2001: General education courses in Life Science for 7th graders.
Earth Science, New York City Board of Education, 1993-2001: General education and New York State Regents-level courses in Earth Science for 8th graders.

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Guest Lecturing and Co-Teaching
Embedded Guest, 2023, Pratt Institute: Attended both formative and summative critiques in Professor David Lings’s Interior Design Advanced Options Studio (INT 702-03) course focused on creating sustainable coastal habitations.
Guest Lecturer, 2022, Pratt Institute: Delivered a guest lecture on biological symbiosis for students in the graduate Communications Design Cross Disciplinary Studio (DES-741) course.
Final Critique Panelist, 2021, Pratt Institute: Provided feedback to students on their final projects for Professor Frank Millero’s Sustainability and Production (IND-487) course.
Embedded Guest, 2020, Pratt Institute: Provided guest lectures and attended both formative and summative critiques in Professor Jeanne Pfordresher’s Sophomore Studio course focused on play behavior.

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Teaching Tools and Pedagogical Media
Jensen, C. X J., and G. Riestenberg, 2012. Evolutionary Games Infographic Project (a series of infographic images designed to aid in the teaching and learning of game theory).
Jensen, C. X J., and J. H. Chu, 2011. Easy Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma (a Flash-based classroom interface designed to allow students to explore Robert Axelrod’s influential tournaments).
Jensen, C. X J. and A. M. Cohen, 2009. The Evolution of Sustainable Use (a Flash-based classroom game designed to teach about sustainable exploitation of ecological resources). Also available on the peer-reviewed EcoEd Digital Library.
Brown, K, S. D. Carroll, J. G. Hajagos, R. Harnett, C. Jensen, J. C. Stanton, K. Tran, J. Yule, 2009. Applied Population Ecology Laboratory Course Pack. Applied Biomathematics (Setauket, NY).

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Student Mentoring
Molly H. Adams, 2011-2012, Communicating Interdependence: Ecological Thinking and the Natural History Museum, Pratt Institute: Advisee developed a thesis paper which won the Senior Thesis Award from the Critical and Visual Studies program.
Mishele Lesser, 2010-2011, Genoscapes, Pratt Institute: Advisee developed a work informed by the science of human genomics in fulfillment of requirements for thesis project in the Master of Fine Arts program.
Kamdyn Moore, 2009-2010, Campus Area Biking Living Lab Project, Pratt Institute: Advisee created a proposal for an on-campus sustainable transportation lab in fulfillment of requirements for thesis project in the Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment, Urban Environmental Systems Management program.

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Grants, Fellowships, and Awards
Exploring Transdisciplinary Approaches to STEM Teaching and Learning”, $299K, 2022-2024, National Science Foundation
Center for Teaching & Learning Fellow, 2019-2020, Pratt Institute
Faculty Development Fund, 2009-2010, 2013-2014, Pratt Institute
Graduate Research Fellowship, 2003-2006, National Science Foundation
Lawrence B. Slobodkin Award, 2004, Stony Brook Department of Ecology and Evolution

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Peer-reviewed Publications
Bales, A. D., C. X J. Jensen, M. Sekor, and B. Adinolfi, 2024. From science class to studio: supporting transformative sustainability learning among future designers. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education #:##;
He, J-Z., R-W. Wang, C. X J. Jensen, and Y-T. Li, 2015. Asymmetric interaction paired with a super-rational strategy might resolve the tragedy of the commons without requiring recognition or negotiation. Scientific Reports 5:7715; DOI:10.1038/srep07715.
Yule, J. V., R. J. Fournier, C. X J. Jensen, and J. Yang, 2014. A review and synthesis of late Pleistocene extinction modeling: Progress delayed by mismatches between ecological realism, interpretation, and methodological transparency. Quarterly Review of Biology 89:91-106.
He, J-Z., R-W. Wang, C. X J. Jensen, Y-T. Li, and C-Q. Li, 2012. Cooperation in an asymmetric volunteer’s dilemma game with relatedness. Science Bulletin 57:1972-1981.
Yule, J. V., C. X J. Jensen, A. Joseph, and J. Goode, 2009. The Puzzle of North America’s Late Pleistocene Megafaunal Extinction Patterns: Test of New Explanation Yields Unexpected Results. Ecological Modelling 220:533-544.
Ginzburg, L. R. and C. X J. Jensen, 2008. From controversy to consensus: The indirect interference functional response. Verhandlungen IVL 30:297–301.
Ginzburg, L. R., C. X J. Jensen and J. V. Yule, 2007. Aiming the “unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics” at ecological theory. Ecological Modelling 207:356-362.
Jensen, C. X J., J. M. Jeschke, and L. R. Ginzburg, 2007. A direct, experimental test of resource vs. consumer dependence: Comment. Ecology 88:1600-1602.
Jensen, C. X J. and L. R. Ginzburg, 2005. Paradoxes or Theoretical Failures? The jury is still out. Ecological Modelling 188:3-14.
Ginzburg, L. R. and C. X J. Jensen, 2004. Rules of thumb for judging ecological theories. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 19:121-126.

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Publications Beyond the Peer-Reviewed Literature
Jensen, C. X J., 2023. The Accidental Ecosystem: People and Wildlife in American Cities. Quarterly Review of Biology 98:35-36.
Jensen, C. X J., 2021. The Evolution of Play. In The Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science (Todd K. Shackelford and Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford, editors). New York, New York: Springer Reference.
Jensen, C. X J., Brian Brooks, Keena Suh, Allegra Marino Shmulevsky, and Chris Wynter, 2019. The art of designing a curriculum optimized for learning transfer. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning 51(6):52-60.

Jensen, C. X J., 2019. Ardis DeFreece: curiosity at the intersection between art and science. SciArt Magazine February.
Jensen, C. X J., 2017. Trophic Ecology: Bottom-Up and Top-Down Interactions across Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems. Quarterly Review of Biology 92:181.
Jensen, C. X J., 2016. Adolescent behavior doesn’t make sense (except in the light of cultural evolution). This View of Life.
Jensen, C. X J., 2016. Traditional Ethical Codes Prescribing Self-Sacrifice as a Puzzle to Evolutionary Theory. ASEBL Journal 12:57-60.
Jensen, C. X J., 2014. Encyclopedia of Theoretical Ecology. Quarterly Review of Biology 89:385-386.
Jensen, C. X J., 2013. A New Narrative on Human Cooperation. Quarterly Review of Biology 88:227-231.
Jensen, C. X J., 2013. Individual-based modeling for the masses. Ecology 94:260-262. 
Jensen, C. X J., 2012. Ratio dependent predator–prey theory: Aged, mellowed, and distilled. Ecological Modelling 246:103-104. 
Jensen, C. X J., 2012. The Age of Empathy: Nature’s Lessons for a Kinder Society. Quarterly Review of Biology 87:63. 
Jensen, C. X J., 2010. Strange Bedfellows: The Surprising Connection between Sex, Evolution and Monogamy. Quarterly Review of Biology 85:505.
Jensen, C. X J., 2010. Wild Justice: The Moral Lives of Animals. Quarterly Review of Biology 85:226-227.
Jensen, C. X J., 2010. Into the Jungle. Quarterly Review of Biology 85:225.
Jensen, C. X J., 2009. Biological modeling and simulation: A survey of practical models, algorithms, and numerical methods. Quarterly Review of Biology 84:284.
Jensen, C. X J., 2003. Choosing and using statistics: a biologist’s guide. Quarterly Review of Biology 78:468.

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Presentations, Posters, and Panels
Jensen, C. X J., H. Lewis, and M. Rosin. 2024. “Exploring Transdisciplinary Approaches To STEM Teaching and Learning”, National Science Foundation/AAAS IUSE Summit, Washington, DC.
Jensen, C. X J., and A. Bales. 2023. “Transformative education for sustainability: Assessing transformation in the work of art, design, and architecture students”, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Jensen, C. X J., M. Rosin, and H. Lewis, 2023. “Discovering transdisciplinary ways of knowing: An epistemic approach to integrating STEM into art and design education”, Global Polytechnic Education Alliance Polytechnic Summit, Utah Tech University, St. George, UT.
Axelgard, B., Bakelar, J., Flack, M., Wolfe, J., Yule, J., Jensen, C. X J., Lockett, B., 2023. “Having a Blast Bypassing Disciplinary Silos: Integrating Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences with STEM”, Global Polytechnic Education Alliance Polytechnic Summit, Utah Tech University, St. George, UT.
Jensen, C. X J., 2022. “Values and Science Matter: Perspectives on Creating a Sustainable Society”, Fall Forum on Teaching & Learning, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY.
Jensen, C. X J., H. Lewis, and M. Rosin. 2022. “Exploring Transdisciplinary Approaches To STEM Teaching and Learning”, National Science Foundation/AAAS IUSE Summit, Washington, DC.
Jensen, C. X J., 2019. “Different platforms, different voices: how a switch to online discussion changes patterns of class participation”, Teaching and Learning Conference, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY.
Jensen, C. X J., B. Brooks, K. Suh, A. M. Shmulevsky, and C. Wynter, 2018. “Discovering the potential for transfer of learning through cross-disciplinary pedagogical dialogue”, Teaching and Learning Conference, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY.
Jensen, C. X J., 2018. “Using EnviroAtlas to give future designers a spatial sense of sustainability“, National Council for Science and the Environment Conference, Washington, DC.
Suh, K., S. VanderVoort, E. Godoy, A. M. Shmulevsky, C. Wynter, B. Brooks, and C. X J. Jensen, 2017. “Identifying transfer of learning pathways across disciplines“, Teaching and Learning Conversations, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY.
Jensen, C. X J., 2017. “Integrating student understanding of ecological flows through concept mapping“, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.  f1000
Jensen, C. X J., 2017. “Dual Inheritance, Ecological Peril, & the Morality of Procreation“, Moral Sense III, St. Francis College, Brooklyn, NY.
Jensen, C. X J., 2016. “Pulling Humanity Back Inside the Boundaries: How Science Serves Sustainability“, Green Meadow Waldorf School, Chestnut Ridge, NY.
Jensen, C. X J., 2016. “Breeders, Propagators, & Creators: Culture, Biology, and the Future of Human Evolution“, Columbia University, New York, NY.
Jensen, C. X J., 2015. “Highly-creative baby-breeding idea propagators: what human (re)productive choices mean for the future of our species“, St. Francis College, Brooklyn, NY.
Jensen, C. X J., 2014. “Information: Legalize It?“, Educational Technology Gathering, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY.
Jensen, C. X J., 2014. “Visualizing cooperation theory in the non-majors evolution classroom: free tools for teaching the evolutionary dynamics of the Prisoner’s Dilemma”, Evolution Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC.   f1000
Barnes, A. W., C. Cahill, and C. X J. Jensen, 2013. Panel discussion on Massive Open Online Courses and alternative technology-driven open models, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY.
Jensen, C. X J. and A. M. Cohen, 2012. “The Evolution of Sustainable Use, a flash-based classroom tool for teaching population biology and sustainable resource management” (presented as a poster and at the Resources for Ecology Education: Fair and Share event), Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.  f1000
Jensen, C. X J., 2012. “WordPress workshop: How to self-publish and self-host”, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY.
Jensen, C. X J., 2012. “Ecosystems: Where they came from, how they work, and why they stick around”, Pratt Institute Sustainability Crash Course, Brooklyn, NY.
Brown, B.R. and C. X J. Jensen, 2011. “Diversity, Culture, Theory, and Data: Science on Human Variety”, Pratt Institute School of Liberal Arts and Sciences Faculty Lecture Series, Brooklyn, NY.
Jensen, C. X J., 2011. “Ecosystems: Where they came from, how they work, and why they stick around”, Pratt Institute Sustainability Crash Course, Brooklyn, NY.
Jensen, C. X J., J. L. Verdolin, D. Moore, and A. M. Cohen, 2010. “Critical scales of heterogeneity: unraveling the relationship between group behavior, home range size, and resource dispersion”, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
Jensen, C. X J., 2010. “Sex, Play, and Music: Reaching Non-majors Through Short Courses in Evolution”, Evolution Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Jensen, C. X J., D. Moore, and J. L. Verdolin, 2009. “Virtual prairie dogs weigh in on the Resource Dispersion Hypothesis”, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.
Jensen, C. X J., 2008. “Old Task, New Tools: Effective Grading with the Learning Management System”, Educational Technology Brown Bag Seminar Series, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY.
Ginzburg, L. R. and C. X J. Jensen, 2007. “From controversy to consensus: The indirect interference functional response”, 30th Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Montreal, Qc, Canada.
Ginzburg, L. R., C. X J. Jensen, and R. L. Harnett, 2006. “Predators versus Parasites: A Consumer-Resource Distinction?”, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Memphis, TN.
Ginzburg, L. R., C. X J. Jensen, and R. L. Harnett, 2006. “Predators versus Parasites: A Consumer-Resource Distinction?”, Evolution Annual Meeting, Stony Brook, NY.
Jensen, C. X J., 2005. “Are the prey- and ratio-dependent functional responses really extremes along a continuum of predator interference?”, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Montreal, Qc, Canada.
Jensen, C. X J., 2004. “Gause, Luckinbill, Veilleux and What to Do”, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. 
Jensen, C. X J., 2004. “The Paradox of Enrichment: A fortifying concept or just well-fed theory?”, Northeast Ecology Conference, Storrs, CT.
Jensen, C. X J., and L. R. Ginzburg, 2003. “Gause, Luckinbill, Veilleux and What to Do: Distinguishing between the Prey-Dependent and Ratio-Dependent Limit Myths”, Alcala International Conference on Mathematical Ecology, Alcala de Henares, Spain.

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Presentations by Collaborators
Bales, A., M. Sekor, B. Adinolfi,, and C. X J. Jensen, 2022. “Fostering transformative outcomes in art and design students across a year of remote learning in sustainability courses”, AAC&U Conference on General Education, Pedagogy, and Assessment, San Diego, CA.
K. Suh, A. M. Shmulevsky, C. Wynter, B. Brooks, and C. X J. Jensen, 2018. “Teaching for the Transfer of Learning: Intersections in a Multidisciplinary Learning Environment”, Interior Design Educators Council East Regional Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
B. Brooks, G. Hwang, C. X J. Jensen, H. Lewis, and C. Martin, 2018. “Building Inclusive Learning Cultures: Critique and Learning Transfer across Studios and Classrooms”, International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2018 conference, Bergen, Norway.
Suh, K., C. X J. Jensen, A. M. Shmulevsky, C. Wynter, and B. Brooks, 2018. “Finding the Potential for Transfer: the Transfer Sessions Project as a Research Vehicle” (poster), Teaching and Learning Conference, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY.
Shmulevsky, A. M., C. Wynter, K. Suh, S. VanderVoort, E. Godoy, B. Brooks, and C. X J. Jensen, 2018. “The Challenge of Teaching for Transfer”, Teaching and Learning Conference, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY.
K. Suh, A. M. Shmulevsky, C. Wynter, S. VanderVoort, E. Godoy, B. Brooks, and C. X J. Jensen, 2018. “Integrating Faculty Development and Research through a Cross-Disciplinary Faculty Learning Community”, The Learner Conference, Athens, Greece.
B. Brooks, C. X J. Jensen, K. Suh, A. M. Shmulevsky, C. Wynter, S. VanderVoort, and E. Godoy, 2018. “Integrating Faculty Development and Research through a Cross-Disciplinary Faculty Learning Community”, The SPACE Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Suh, K., S. VanderVoort, E. Godoy, A. M. Shmulevsky, C. Wynter, B. Brooks, and C. X J. Jensen, 2017. “Identifying Transfer of Learning Pathways Across Disciplines”, AICAD Student Success Conference, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY.

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Transdisciplinary Projects
Exploring Approaches to Transdisciplinary STEM Teaching and Learning, National Science Foundation funded project, 2022-2024, Pratt Institute: coordinated the Faculty Learning Community at the heart of an effort to field-test a transdisciplinary epistemic practices framework in Pratt courses.
Ecology in Contemporary Art Practices, STEAMplant project, 2023-2024, Pratt Institute: provided sustainability science consultation for a book chronicling how artists infuse sustainability into their practices (with STEAMplant fellow Suzanne Watters and collaborator Mary Mattingly).
Weaving Threads: Natural Dyes at the Intersection of Art & Science, STEAMplant project, 2022, Pratt Institute: contributed to the ecological content that was part of an interdisciplinary Textile Garden curriculum delivered to local primary school students (with STEAMplant fellow Ana Codorean and collaborators Gina Gregorio, Cindie Kehlet, and Isa Rodrigues).
To the Core of Me: A Hike-Play, STEAMplant project, 2019, Pratt Institute: contributed to the scientific research underlying a performance confronting the potential impacts of climate change on humans and trees (with STEAMplant resident Jeremy Pickard and collaborator Jennifer Telesca).
Song Searching, STEAMplant project, 2018-2019, Pratt Institute: contributed to the scientific research underlying a video game designed to highlight the threat of noise pollution and other human impacts to humpback whales (with STEAMplant fellow Ami Cai and collaborators Jennifer Telesca and Basem Aly).

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Institutional and Professional Service
Coordinator, MSCI Mini-Share Series, 2021-present, Pratt Institute: organized ~10 sessions per semester where department faculty were given the opportunity to provide updates on their teaching and research and engage in reciprocal skill-sharing.
Chair, Departmental Peer Review Committee, 2010-2011, 2012-2013, 2014-2015, 2024-2025, Pratt Institute: coordinated the process by which faculty applications for reappointment, promotion, and tenure are reviewed by peers in the Department of Mathematics and Science.
Member, Departmental Peer Review Committee, 2008-2011, 2012-2015, 2023-present, Pratt Institute: contributed to the establishment of standards for full- and part-time faculty promotion; assessed faculty in the Department of Mathematics and Science for reappointment and promotion.
Member, Center for Teaching & Learning Advisory Group, 2021-present, Pratt Institute: Met with other faculty to provide feedback and perspective to Pratt’s CTL.
Member, Title IX Council, 2021-2024, Pratt Institute: Worked with fellow faculty, staff, and administrators on the council to execute Pratt’s Title IX policy. Served as an advisor during the Title IX hearing process.
Member, Academic Integrity Standing Committee, 2018-2024, Pratt Institute: Worked with other faculty to implement Pratt’s academic integrity policy, outreached with faculty on how to deal with academic integrity infractions.
Co-organizer, “Grading and Assessment Practices for Learning and Equity” workshop, 2024, Ecological Society of America annual meeting (Long Beach, CA): Worked with colleagues from multiple other institutions to develop a workshop proposal and program focused on alternative approaches to grading and assessment.
Member, MSCI Gallery Show Organizing Committee, 2022-2024, Pratt Institute: worked with other faculty to select student work for gallery shows highlighting student work that engages with math and science knowledge.
Organizer, Pratt Earth Action Week, 2024, Pratt Institute: co-coordinated a campus-wide BioBlitz event.
Chair, STEAMplant Selection Committee, 2024, Pratt Institute: coordinated and participated in the process of rating proposals for STEAMplant’s various grant programs supporting work at the interface of science/math and art/design.
Member, Assistant to the Chair Hiring Committee, 2023, Pratt Institute: reviewed candidates for the Assistant to the Chair position, provided Department Chair with feedback on candidate strengths and weaknesses.
Organizer, Pratt Earth Action Week, 2023, Pratt Institute: co-coordinated two events, a mini-BioBlitz and conversation about sustainability education.
Member, Middle States Self-Study Working Group (Standard VI Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement), 2022-2023, Pratt Institute: Worked with other faculty and staff to prepare one section of our self-study for the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.
Member, Visiting Scholar Working Group, 2021-2022, Pratt Institute: Worked with other faculty and staff to come up with a process to create a new visiting scholar status at Pratt.
Peer Reviewer, University of Nevada Press – 2021; Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution – 2017;  Studies in History and Philosophy of Science – 2017;  EcoEd Digital Library – 2017; Scientific Reports – 2016; The Engineering Economist – 2015, Limnology & Oceanography – 2011, The Atlantic Monthly – 2011, Journal of Theoretical Biology – 2011, Ecological Modelling – 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, Oikos – 2008, Ecology – 2007, Verhandlungen IVL – 2007, Acta Oecologica – 2007, Ecological Research – 2007, Journal of Biosciences – 2006, Compes Rendus – 2004.
Member, Course Form Working Group, 2021, Pratt Institute: worked with other faculty and staff to review and revise the content of our course application materials.
Member, Bias Education Response Team, 2017-2020, Pratt Institute: worked with other faculty and staff to develop plans and programs designed to respond to bias incidents on campus.
Chair, Departmental Curriculum Review & Assessment Committee, 2007-2010, 2019, Pratt Institute: coordinated the revision and restructuring of courses in the Department of Mathematics and Science; shepherded through new departmental guidelines for course syllabi in response to accreditation standards.
Member, Departmental Curriculum Review & Assessment Committee, 2007-2012, 2013-2015, 2016-2019, Pratt Institute: served as a reviewer of course proposals and other curricular improvements in the Department of Mathematics and Science.
Co-facilitator, Transfer of Learning Faculty Learning Community, 2016-2019, Pratt Institute: facilitated and coordinated the activities of an inter-disciplinary faculty learning community looking at the effectiveness of transfer of learning between Pratt’s Foundation Year and entry into the Sophomore Year, which is the first year in the majors.
Senator, Academic Senate, 2016-2019, Pratt Institute: represented the Math & Science department as a member of the Institute’s faculty governance body.
Volunteer, Ecological Society of America Author Help Directory, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2017: helped scientists from Japan, China, and Brazil by editing their scientific manuscripts for English vocabulary, grammar, and scientific clarity.
Member, Academic Calendar Committee, 2011-2016, Pratt Institute: served on an advisory panel charged with proposing future academic calendars.
Member, Elections Advisory Group, 2016, Cultural Evolution Society: served on an advisory panel charged with giving feedback on the plans for an inaugural elections process.
Advisor, Envirolutions Club, 2009-2015, Pratt Institute: served as faculty advisor to a student club committed to environmental activism on and off campus.
Volunteer, Ecological Society of America Environmental Justice Section, 2012-2015: served as Website Facilitator, helping members of the section to learn how to maintain their own WordPress page (
Member, Middle States Self Study Report Teaching and Learning Working Group, 2013, Pratt Institute: contributed to research and development of the chapter on teaching and learning for Pratt’s accreditation self-study report.
Reviewer, EnviroAtlas project, 2013, Environmental Protection Agency: reviewed a beta version of the EnviroAtlas, an interactive tool for mapping ecosystem services and their connection to human well-being.
Chair, Academic Calendar Survey Subcommittee, 2012-2013, Pratt Institute: coordinated the process of creating and implementing a campus-wide survey aimed at assessing the academic calendar needs of faculty and staff.
Reviewer, Departmental Curriculum Review Committee, 2013, Pratt Institute: reviewed course proposals in the Department of Mathematics and Science.
Member, Pratt Sustainable Coalition, 2007-2012, Pratt Institute: worked with other faculty and staff to integrate ecologically sustainable practices into Pratt’s facilities and academic programs.
Member, General Education Committee, 2011-2012, Pratt Institute: worked with other faculty to re-envision general education at Pratt and address Middle States mandates.
Volunteer, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2012, Portland, OR: served as an Education section mentor to graduate students and post-docs.
Co-coordinator, Green Week “A Celebration of Cycling”, 2012, Pratt Institute: helped organize a day of events highlighting sustainable transportation; coordinated with a local owner-operated by shop to provide free bike repair instruction to members of the Pratt community.
Coordinator, Department of Mathematics and Science Swap ‘N’ Share events, 2009-2011, Pratt Institute: organized a series of informal sessions that allowed departmental faculty to share innovations in their research and teaching.
Member, High School Classroom Materials Selection Committee, 2010, Ecological Society of America: worked with colleagues to select and collect materials from the EcoEd digital library that could be used by secondary school teachers.
Co-chair, Middle States Coordinating Committee, 2009-2010, Pratt Institute: led the committee charged with producing Pratt’s Middle States Periodic Review Report.
Volunteer, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2010, Pittsburgh, PA: served as a session presider and Buell-Braun award judge.
Volunteer, Evolution Annual Meeting, 2010, Portland, OR: served as a judge of research talks presented by graduate students (Hamilton Award) and session presider.
Co-coordinator, Green Week Transportation Tuesday, 2010, Pratt Institute: helped organize a day of events highlighting sustainable transportation; provided free bike repair instruction to members of the Pratt community.
Member, School-wide Curriculum Committee, 2007-2009, Pratt Institute: reviewed new curriculum proposals; attended regular meetings.
Member, Center for Sustainable Design Studies Minor in Sustainability Curriculum Committee, 2009, Pratt Institute: worked with an interdisciplinary faculty team to design Pratt’s Minor in Sustainability program, including an introductory core course in Principles in Sustainability.
Representative, Technology Advisory Committee, 2008-2009, Pratt Institute: served in an advisory role to the Division of Information Technology, focusing on the proliferation of smart classrooms and the establishment of a laboratory for creative technologies.
Mentor, Department of Math and Science New Faculty Program, 2008, Pratt Institute: helped acquaint a new faculty member with our department and students, met regularly to discuss teaching methods, observed two lectures and provided feedback on teaching methods.
Coordinator, Green Week Transportation Tuesday, 2008, Pratt Institute: organized a day of events highlighting sustainable transportation; supervised volunteer mechanics and bicycle commuters; hosted invited speakers from the Campaign for New York’s Future and Transportation Alternatives.
Member, Search Committee, 2007-2008, Pratt Institute: screened, interviewed, and hosted candidates for three tenure-track openings; succeeded in hiring three new faculty members.

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Community Outreach and Special Projects
Member, Professional Advisory Committee, New York Harbor School, 2016-2023: provided scientific and pedagogical feedback on the existing career and technical education curriculum in Aquaculture.
Panelist, Sustainability Summit, Pratt Institute, 2016: participated in a panel discussion following the screening of the Josh Fox documentary How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can’t Change
Volunteer, Pelican Foundation for Creative Education, 2015: reviewed grant proposals from secondary school teachers.
Panelist, Common Ground: Science and Religion in Dialogue for a Sustainable Future, Columbia University, 2009: participated in a panel discussion centered on integrating secular and religious ideals through curricula in sustainability.
Founder and Coordinator, Freewheel Collective Community Bicycle Shop, 2003-2005, Long Island, NY: coordinated meetings; raised funds; established community bicycle shop; created and maintained website; ordered materials and tools; oversaw group finances; established and taught ten-week bicycle repair course; interfaced with members of the local press.

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