Christopher X J. Jensen
Associate Professor, Pratt Institute

Paul Zak on the role of Oxytocin in How People Play the Trust/Trustworthy Game

Posted 01 Nov 2011 / 0

TED Talks “Paul Zak: Trust, morality – and oxytocin” Fascinating that generosity and empathy can be manipulated by manipulating levels of a single hormone! Also kind of scary that there may be people who do not produce or respond to oxytocin.

Robert Wright suggests that the future of civilization rests on making sure we share futures

Posted 31 Oct 2011 / 0

Ted Talks “Robert Wright on optimism” There’s some really interesting stuff here, especially for its implied use of multilevel selection. Wright’s understanding of “non-zero-sumness” is all about shared outcomes. He does not see just the positive side of non-zero-sum games, but also the negative: the potential for shared disaster. He suggests that once we realize Read More

Entertaining Dan Ariely talk on how conflicts of interest affect human behavior, including that of scientists

Posted 30 Oct 2011 / 0

TED Talks “Dan Ariely: Beware conflicts of interest”

Planet Money tackles the congressional gridlock problem using game theory

Posted 25 Oct 2011 / 0

NPR Planet Money “When Congress Plays Chicken” Interesting bit here about the conflicting psychological assumptions that are made by game theorists, and about small-group dynamics.

Emma Goldman was an activist who thought about freedom on multiple levels

Posted 25 Oct 2011 / 0

The Chronicle of Higher Education “Love and Anarchy: Emma Goldman’s passion for free expression burns on” From this article: “If people feel free and equal, the anarchist insists, order and cooperation will emerge as a natural result of that beneficence. Above all else, the anarchist is out to prove that cooperation, not competition, is the Read More

David Barash on avoiding evolutionary is-ought fallacies

Posted 25 Oct 2011 / 0

The Chronicle of Higher Education “Evolutionary Ethics: An Oxymoron“

Cooperation may require stable networks of interaction

Posted 25 Oct 2011 / 0

PLoS ONE “Network Fluctuations Hinder Cooperation in Evolutionary Games“

Scientific American features great video showing the sophisticated hunting methods of the tentacled snake

Posted 23 Oct 2011 / 0

Scientific American web “Tentacled Snake Uses Sneaky Strategy to Catch Fish”

Review of inclusive fitness theory suggests that earlier reports of its demise were exaggerated

Posted 23 Oct 2011 / 0

Proceedings of the Royal Society B (Biological Sciences) “The validity and value of inclusive fitness theory” Another paper that is written in reference to Nowak et al. (2010). This one is a pretty comprehensive review of the inclusive fitness literature (in particular its triumphs) and a comparison of the new model suggested by Nowak et Read More

New modeling paper suggests that the relationship between promiscuity and cooperative breeding cannot be used to distinguish between competing hypotheses

Posted 23 Oct 2011 / 0

Proceedings of the Royal Society B (Biological Sciences) “Promiscuity and the evolution of cooperative breeding” This is clearly a paper written to rebut Nowak et al. (2010). But this is also a really valuable paper, as it uses rigorous modeling to show that measures of promiscuity probably will not be capable of distinguishing between competing Read More