Christopher X J. Jensen
Associate Professor, Pratt Institute

Gulls versus terns demonstrates that restoration is difficult once we have empowered a commensal species

Posted 09 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on Gulls versus terns demonstrates that restoration is difficult once we have empowered a commensal species

Morning Edition “In San Francisco, Look Out For Gulls Gone Wild“

I am curious what “seek to use evolutionary forces to move them to a higher level”: Since when is one level best?

Posted 08 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on I am curious what “seek to use evolutionary forces to move them to a higher level”: Since when is one level best?

What kind of disaster is necessary make an entrenched cultural idea go extinct? Does the whole culture have to die?

Posted 08 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on What kind of disaster is necessary make an entrenched cultural idea go extinct? Does the whole culture have to die?

The Chronicle of Higher Education “Neoliberal Economic Policies Are Still Eating Our Brains“

Music archaeology shares challenges of others who study cultural or biological evolution, an incomplete fossil record

Posted 08 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on Music archaeology shares challenges of others who study cultural or biological evolution, an incomplete fossil record

The Chronicle of Higher Education “Field Report: Music Archaeology, Digging the Hits of Yesteryear“

Intriguing dynamics of cooperation and social dynamics found in the aftermath of the Chilean mine disaster

Posted 08 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on Intriguing dynamics of cooperation and social dynamics found in the aftermath of the Chilean mine disaster

Morning Edition “A Year Later, Chilean Miners Sift Through Trauma“

Is field ecology doomed to die? And if so, from where will all the modelers and data miners get real data?

Posted 03 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on Is field ecology doomed to die? And if so, from where will all the modelers and data miners get real data?

Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America “Losing the Culture of Ecology“

Simulation model provides a possible explanation for seemingly-random acts of kindness: kindness is social investment

Posted 26 Jul 2011 / Comments Off on Simulation model provides a possible explanation for seemingly-random acts of kindness: kindness is social investment

Can biology contain a criminal destiny, and if so can better biological understanding lead to better crime prevention?

Posted 25 Jul 2011 / Comments Off on Can biology contain a criminal destiny, and if so can better biological understanding lead to better crime prevention?

The Chronicle of Higher Education “Criminal Minds“

Patricia Churchland on the relative and absolute social biology of ethics, her “neurophilosophy”

Posted 25 Jul 2011 / Comments Off on Patricia Churchland on the relative and absolute social biology of ethics, her “neurophilosophy”

The Chronicle of Higher Education “Rule Breaker“

Don’t hold your breath for carbon capture and sequestration as the solution to our global warming woes

Posted 25 Jul 2011 / Comments Off on Don’t hold your breath for carbon capture and sequestration as the solution to our global warming woes

The Chronicle of Higher Education “Learning to Live With Carbon Dioxide“