Christopher X J. Jensen
Associate Professor, Pratt Institute

Dynamic toll collection can moderate the very serious freerider problem presented by our current transportation system

Posted 19 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on Dynamic toll collection can moderate the very serious freerider problem presented by our current transportation system

Scientific American “World Changing Ideas“

Will turning statistics about the way we live our daily lives into a game actually goad us into better behavior?

Posted 19 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on Will turning statistics about the way we live our daily lives into a game actually goad us into better behavior?

Scientific American “World Changing Ideas“

An amazing new way to understand and preserve the biomechanics of unique and rare languages

Posted 19 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on An amazing new way to understand and preserve the biomechanics of unique and rare languages

Scientific American “A Click of the Tongue“

Still consider me a biomimicry skeptic, but this researcher shows the promise of importing evolved adaptations

Posted 19 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on Still consider me a biomimicry skeptic, but this researcher shows the promise of importing evolved adaptations

Scientific American “Know the Flow“

Okay, maybe modern humans aren’t so great after all, and it was just a volcano that wiped out Neanderthals

Posted 19 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on Okay, maybe modern humans aren’t so great after all, and it was just a volcano that wiped out Neanderthals

Scientific American “Out with a Bang“

Paul Bloom has some interesting insights into essentialist thinking, an evolved proximate driver of human behavior

Posted 18 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on Paul Bloom has some interesting insights into essentialist thinking, an evolved proximate driver of human behavior

WNYC The Leonard Lopate Show “How Pleasure Works“

Biomimicry as employed by the U.S. Air Force

Posted 16 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on Biomimicry as employed by the U.S. Air Force

All Things Considered “Air Force Eyes Micromachine Bugs That Can Spy“

Peter Nonacs – advocate of kin selection – provides an insightful and fair review of Nowak’s SuperCooperators

Posted 16 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on Peter Nonacs – advocate of kin selection – provides an insightful and fair review of Nowak’s SuperCooperators

American Scientist “Reciprocity, Reputation and Nepotism“

Interesting correlations between our behaviors and our hormonal states exist, but science requires causation

Posted 15 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on Interesting correlations between our behaviors and our hormonal states exist, but science requires causation

The Chronicle of Higher Education “Did Her Hormones Make Her Do It?“

I am excited to read the new “applied evolutionary theory” book by David Sloan Wilson

Posted 15 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on I am excited to read the new “applied evolutionary theory” book by David Sloan Wilson