Christopher X J. Jensen
Associate Professor, Pratt Institute

When you eat animals, you increase the pandemic flu risk for the global population

Posted 21 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on When you eat animals, you increase the pandemic flu risk for the global population

Scientific American “Flu Factories“

I am amazed that articles that concern the very survival of our species coexist with articles about E.T.

Posted 21 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on I am amazed that articles that concern the very survival of our species coexist with articles about E.T.

Scientific American “Contact the Day After“

I appreciate the honesty of people who admit that academic biology mindlessly brainwashes them against group selection

Posted 21 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on I appreciate the honesty of people who admit that academic biology mindlessly brainwashes them against group selection

Giving indigenous people rights to their land the best way to preserve biodiversity, culture, and global climate

Posted 21 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on Giving indigenous people rights to their land the best way to preserve biodiversity, culture, and global climate

Weekend Edition Sunday “A Battle Is Under Way For The Forests Of Borneo“

An example of the very powerful practical knowledge that can be gained from now-simple genetic sequencing techniques

Posted 20 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on An example of the very powerful practical knowledge that can be gained from now-simple genetic sequencing techniques

Scientific American “How Old Is Your Cancer?“

A suggestion for where stalled climate change talks ought to be heading

Posted 20 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on A suggestion for where stalled climate change talks ought to be heading

Scientific American “Diplomacy’s Meltdown“

Interesting infographic depicting the success of different management regimes at preventing fishery collapse

Posted 20 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on Interesting infographic depicting the success of different management regimes at preventing fishery collapse

Scientific American “Silent Seas: Smart Controls Could Rescue Depleted Fisheries“

Is this where coevolution is heading? Human-controlled cyborg beetles!

Posted 20 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on Is this where coevolution is heading? Human-controlled cyborg beetles!

Scientific American “Cyborg Beetles“

The evolutionary importance of regulatory genes gets coverage on NPR: Junk DNA is evolutionarily significant!

Posted 19 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on The evolutionary importance of regulatory genes gets coverage on NPR: Junk DNA is evolutionarily significant!

All Things Considered “Don’t Throw It Out: ‘Junk DNA’ Essential In Evolution“

Beautiful microscopy images of biological structures!

Posted 19 Aug 2011 / Comments Off on Beautiful microscopy images of biological structures!

Scientific American “Life Unseen“