Christopher X J. Jensen
Associate Professor, Pratt Institute

Update on a landmark study of how class shapes development

Posted 12 Sep 2011 / Comments Off on Update on a landmark study of how class shapes development

The Chronicle of Higher Education “‘Unequal’ Children, All Grown Up“

Another dispatch from the warfront dividing theists and athiests

Posted 12 Sep 2011 / Comments Off on Another dispatch from the warfront dividing theists and athiests

The Chronicle of Higher Education “Reflections on a Rebel“

Australopithecus sediba getting press coverage it deserves!

Posted 08 Sep 2011 / Comments Off on Australopithecus sediba getting press coverage it deserves!

All Things Considered “‘Mosaic’ Fossil Could Be Bridge From Apes To Humans” Yahoo News “Closest Human Ancestor May Rewrite Steps in Our Evolution“

Tar balls, potentially residual from the BP Oil Spill, wash up on Gulf Coast beaches after tropical storm

Posted 07 Sep 2011 / Comments Off on Tar balls, potentially residual from the BP Oil Spill, wash up on Gulf Coast beaches after tropical storm

Associated Press “BP Clearing Tar Balls Dumped On Alabama Shore By Lee“

New edited academic book about primate cooperation on Springer

Posted 07 Sep 2011 / Comments Off on New edited academic book about primate cooperation on Springer

Origins of Altruism and Cooperation

Stem cells produced with aim of saving endangered species: bin this one with the Biosphere 2 experiment as a realistic plan for reversing the ecological destruction wrought by humanity

Posted 05 Sep 2011 / Comments Off on Stem cells produced with aim of saving endangered species: bin this one with the Biosphere 2 experiment as a realistic plan for reversing the ecological destruction wrought by humanity

The Atlantic Wire “Stem Cell Breakthrough Offers Hope for Endangered Animals” BBC News “Endangered species set for stem cell rescue”  

Understanding the dynamics of how cooperation evolves is increasingly important to efforts aimed at managing socio-ecological systems

Posted 05 Sep 2011 / Comments Off on Understanding the dynamics of how cooperation evolves is increasingly important to efforts aimed at managing socio-ecological systems

Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT, Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenökologie) “Evolution of cooperation in socio-ecological systems” mini-symposium

Social learning tournament employs Axelrod’s strategy of using competition to generate novel variation

Posted 04 Sep 2011 / Comments Off on Social learning tournament employs Axelrod’s strategy of using competition to generate novel variation

The Second Social Learning Strategies Tournament

Very interesting editorial in a pretty mainstream newspaper uses biology to argue for human cooperation and the end of ruthless invididualism

Posted 04 Sep 2011 / Comments Off on Very interesting editorial in a pretty mainstream newspaper uses biology to argue for human cooperation and the end of ruthless invididualism

Concord Monitor “Key to evolution is cooperation, not competition“

Human brains filter out and focus on animals in our visual field

Posted 01 Sep 2011 / Comments Off on Human brains filter out and focus on animals in our visual field

All Things Considered “Human Brain Responds To Animals, Cute Or Creepy“